Sabtu, 17 Desember 2011
the coolest game on universal studios singapore

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011
parents plan for my holiday

sepak bola di sekolahku

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011
this is a sword in a game called aq worlds and it means adven ture quest worlds.We get it from bloodtusk ravine temple. to get it you must finish the quest "trust in vision" and we must get 100 imprint of a Ravine Creature. if you want to play it go to the website aqworlds.com.We dont nees to upgrade and you know ive already have decorem.its hard to get 100 imprint of a ravine creature.
Jumat, 02 Desember 2011
what surabaya kids do in school holiday
Indonesian students usually play in school holiday.Even though there are some students that don't play at the school holiday,Like their sick,poor,their mother,father,brother sister and their other family doesn't like it and even some work with their parents.it's Christmas holiday,Yeah!!.every school has different time on holiday and some of them even had 3 month holiday.Some students are poor so they don't go to school everyday.They usually sell something like newspaper.Some has too long holiday and if they like to play they get addicted and some are too lazy to go to school after holiday and some are not smart anymore and get a bad mark everyday.sick students can't play because maybe their virus is getting worse and the student is getting sicker and sicker and maybe their gonna die.and if the student plays too much they will get easy to be angry just like my brother plays 2 or 1 hour every Friday,Saturday and Sunday.Sometimes if you play games too much in the computer sometimes computer virus is going to atack your computer and copy itself to another computer and many more computer.and even some computer worms and Trojan horse are viruses.Some students study because they want to get a better mark than anyone in the class.Maybe they really had a good mark and maybe it had better mark than the smartest student in the class and usually smart students do that and not like the adicted students that are too lazy to go to school and get a bad mark everyday. those are usually an stupid or not smart students.Usually their parents only allowed their student to play at saturday and maybe friday.Stupid students make the teacher angry everyday just like my friend in the school.
Selasa, 22 November 2011
UMD Passport
Ingin memainkan game-game UMD PSP kalian di PlayStation Vita? Dengan menggunakan UMD Passport yang tersedia tanggal 6 Desember mendatang, kita bisa mengakses versi download game UMD tersebut dengan harga khusus.
Caranya sebagai berikut:
- Download UMD Registration Application dari PS Store
- Jalankan UMB Registration Application dari XMB di PSP kalian, dan masukkan UMD yang ingin didaftarkan.
- Ikuti perintah di layar untuk mendaftarkan UMD tersebut di PSN
- Nanti kita bisa men-download game PSP tersebut di PlayStation Vita dengan harga khusus.

Harganya berkisar antara ¥500 sampai ke ¥1500, dengan judul-judul termasuk Gran Turismo, Persona 3 Portable, Phantom Kingdom dan Akiba'Strip. Square Enix, Konami, Falcom dan SEGA belum memberikan judul, namun mereka termasuk di dalam program ini.
Bagaimana menurut kalian, lebih baik main game UMD PSP di PSP atau di PlayStation Vita? (ZBT)
Via: AndriasangJumat, 11 November 2011
ninja saga :tensai special jounin part 6
this is the tensai special jounin .It is the 3rd exam on ninja saga
we have to defeat the yami.no one knows how much is his hp.I also don't know how strong is the yami.the name of the yami is vader.this is stage 6 and chapter 3.its the last challenge before you are a tensai special jounin.the prizes are a tensai special jounin badge,a secret kinjutsu and a tensai special jounin clothing and a tensai special jounin class jutsu.

Sabtu, 05 November 2011
about me

Sabtu, 10 September 2011
how do i know adsense

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011
I also play getamped-x and i am golden wolf and I have lengan lendir and I have 655 more coin.A coin can buy some accessories and some tools.to get coin we have to buy it at the warnet called hans and others and my other accessories are tongkat turbo and kipas tornado and panah api and sarung tangan baseball and sarung tinju.and I have also have tools and my tools are complete and some of them are expensive and need to have coin and many geta.Geta is a money easy to get at battles and if you win you get 1,000 geta.
Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011
soul general mutoh ninja saga
this is one of my favorite facebook game called ninja saga and this is one of the strongest boss on ninja saga called soul general mutoh and now I am already the thirty fourth level and I saw a video that josie can beat soul general mutoh alone and his pet. the prize of soul general mutoh is 68000 xp and 78000 gold and josie,s talent is eye of mirror and demon sound and two of them are very strong talent.And the eye of mirror have to get ninja emblem and we have to pay 333 us dollars.and of course soul general mutoh is the 60th level. enjoy the video and see what hapens.And josie is of course stronger than me.And I have a prove that josie is stronger than soul general mutoh
masterchef australia grand finale
this is also one of my favorite movie but this isnt anime the channel of masterchef is starworld and this is the episode of the finale callum versus adam and i still dont know who win .And this is also my brothers favorite movie and episode and channel and I know that claire is in the third place but I hope adam wins but I dont know what challenge is it but i hope adam wins and i still cant believe that marion loses with adam and jonathan because aaron is weak.and callum is only good at dessert.
fullmetal alchemist brotherhood opening 6
this is one of my favorite anime songs to and my favorite movie in the same channel and allmost the same opening.And this is also my brothers favorite song and movie and channel.and actually my favorite is fairy tail because fullmetal alchemist brotherhood is old and fairy tail is much new than fullmetal alchemist brotherhood.I also like bleach season 2 but I still like more on fairy tail
my new year at school

Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011
news about ninja saga
today after i do my homework i played ninja saga on facebook i am on the thirty one Th level and today i learned raising fire explosion. i like this game because its cool
Jumat, 01 Juli 2011
Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011
Jumat, 17 Juni 2011
my favorite gurren laggan episode
<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mVJgZExlfKs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Sabtu, 11 Juni 2011
vacation on bali
we went to Bali the name of the airport is ngurah rai then we lived in nikko bali then i saw my brother playing Pokemon black and white we lived at the ocean viewthen we ate dinner at bali galleria we ate tempura moriawase the next day we went to the pool then i acsidently kick my brothers head the next day i went home
Jumat, 10 Juni 2011
Minggu, 24 April 2011
Jumat, 07 Januari 2011
Postingan (Atom)
kumpul blogger
this is my first kumpul blogger and the website i get is kumpulblogger.com thank you